The Alternative Art and Cultural Center

The Alternative Art and Cultural Center: Salihara
Photo source: Salihara (Facebook)
Salihara Community is an Indonesian art community founded on August 8th, 2008 by some litterateurs, artists, journalists, and art enthusiasts. As the first independent multidiscipline art center, Salihara Community is an alternative cultural center that does not relate to the central government, local government, or foreign embassies.
Photo source: Salihara (Facebook)
Located on 3.800 meters square of land at Jalan Salihara 16 Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, the Salihara Community complex consists of four main buildings, such as Salihara Theater, Salihara Gallery, Anjung Salihara, and the office area. Salihara Theater is the one and only black-box theater in Indonesia. While on Anjung Salihara, there are some art studios: Dance Studio, Music Studio, Wisma Seni (Wisma: Indonesian language for home), Multifunction Room, and Anjung Theater.  
Photo source: Salihara (Facebook)
You can visit Salihara Community to enjoy high-quality art programs and thoughts in classic or modern ways. There are lots of performances held by the Salihara Community, such as the Salihara International Performing Arts Festival (SIPFEST), Bienal Sastra, Helateater, Jazz Buzz, Helatari, and World Music Forum. Salihara Community also facilitates education classes, speech, discussion, book forums, and fine arts programs. Salihara Community often is the gathering place for people who share the same interests, such as litterateurs, filmmakers, choreographers, philosophy enthusiasts, translators, book lovers, and many more.
Photo source: Salihara (Instagram)
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