Characteristics of Fake Gold Investment You Need to Know

5 characteristics of fake gold investment.

Until today, invest in gold is still one of the most desirable investment instruments. Even in recent years the number has been increasing, after Pegadaian launched a gold savings program that allows people to invest even in small amounts.

But the high interest of people in invest in gold is also used by irresponsible people by offering fake gold investments. The lure of big profits becomes their moves to deceive people and reap profits. People who already believe will also suffer considerable losses. So that you do not become a victim of fraud, here are five characteristics of fake gold investment.

1. Offering High Profits with No Risks
Gold is one type of investment that can generate high profits with minimum risk. However, if there are parties who promise higher profits in a short time and without risk, then this is arguably impossible. Usually, high profits from gold investment, can only be perceived if the investment has been running for more than five years, not in a short time, or in just a few months.

2. Imposing Administration Fees and Others
Fake gold investment will also contains several unclear regulations, including collecting administrative and other additional fees. You will be asked to pay administrative fees or other fees up front, even before the investment is executed.

3. Many Investment Types
Unlike legal companies which generally only distinguish investments based on gold weight, fake investment will offer a variety of investment packages with different values ​​coupled with different profit potential. The system used by fake investment is usually the more the amount of your investment, the greater potential profit promised. However, it remains with unreasonable calculations.

4. Has No legality
Legality is the most important thing that you must look at before deciding on one of the financial institutions as a place for you to invest. This is important, in order to ensure the security and rights of you as an investor in the future.

Generally, fake gold investment does not have the legality issued by the Financial Services Authority (OJK). Even if they have, the legality is usually doubtful. Companies that do not have legality are certainly vulnerable to violations, including actions that harm customers. It means they are vulnerable to problems, including fraud.

5. The Management Makes no Sense
In their practice, fake gold investment is ignorant in presenting a number of unreasonable plans, including fund management matter. To produce big profits as they promised, they usually make schemes and game rules that are considered tempting for potential investors.

But if examined more deeply, the management is actually only a matter of collecting a lot of money in a short time. just like ponzi scheme, it is a fake investment mode that pays profits to investors from their own money or money from the next investor, not from the profits obtained by the individual or organization that runs the operation.

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