Art Deco, Timeless Luxury!

Amidst the trend of minimalist interior design, art deco still has its fans.

3 Recommended Netflix Series Movies That Are Exciting To Watch!

Recommendations for the exciting Netflix series that refreshed you over the weekend.

5 Tips to Dress-well & Always Appear Maximum!

Find easy ways to always look fashionable.

Indonesian Foods That Must Be Brought When Vacationing Abroad

Here is a list of Indonesian food that must be brought while on vacation. Economical and practical too, you know!

Eat Bakmee (Noodles) in a Hong Kong-style Vintage Restaurant!

Taste the delicious authentic Bakmi Karet in South Jakarta in a 70s Hong Kong vintage nuanced restaurant.

Fun Co-working Place, Event Space, Private Meeting, & Gathering in West Jakarta!

Are you looking for an event venue in the Kebon Jeruk area? Or, want a fun cafe recommendation to work from the cafe? Only at Kozy Hub!