MINQ Kitchen, a Halal Chinese Restaurant with Casual Ambience

MINQ Kitchen offers Chinese specialties processed using halal ingredients.

Cold Moo, a Paradise for Dessert Lovers

Cold Moo serves a variety of ice cream, cookies and pudding made using premium ingredients.

Haka Dimsum to Fix Your Late Night Cravings

Haka Dimsum, 24-hour dimsum restaurant in Kemang.

Tender, Juicy, and Affordable Yakitori in Bintaro

Sate Maleo Jepang, tender, juicy, and affordable yakitori in Bintaro.

Deliciousness of Nasi Bebek Cak Malik Proven to be Addictive

Nasi Bebek Cak Malik proven to be addictive.

Claypot Popo, Perfect Dish to Warm up Your Tummy in the Rainy Season

Claypot Popo, typical Chinese comfort food to warm you up while raining.