Brought Wardah as the Pioneer of Halal Cosmetics in Indonesia

The story of halal cosmetic product pioneer in Indonesia, Paragon.

The beauty product Wardah may you have frequently seen on the TV commercial. This product is the creation of PT Paragon Technology and Innovation. The company which founded in 1985 was once a home industry Pusaka Tradisi Ibu (PTI) that produced hair care product with a brand Putri. Putri product itself was noted as the market leader for hair tonic product in 1992 and top 10 of conditioner and shampoo. In 1995, PTI started to produce Wardah with the factory located in Cibodas.

Wardah is then known as the pioneer of halal cosmetics brand in Indonesia with the halal certification by LPPOM MUI in 1999. As time went by and the company always been developed, Wardah then started to enter retail industry in 2002 and PTI factory was relocated to Jatake Industrial Estate, Tangerang. GMP certificate (Good Manufacturing Practice) has been owned by this company since 2006. Starting from 2011, the name Pusaka Tradisi Ibu changed into PT Paragon Technology and Innovation.

Now, PTI has not only made various beauty products, but also the supplier of cosmetic products for other companies. Some of their clients are Sophie Paris, CNI, and several beauty clinics. Awards has also been received by Wardah, which are Halal Award 2011 for Halal Cosmetic Brand category, 2nd Indonesia Original Brand (IOB) 2011 and 1st Original Brand 2012 by SWA magazine, also 1st Local Brand with the Highest Sales in Matahari Department Store and it’s on the third position from all the local and global brands! Amazing!

Not only Wardah, Make Over that also owned by PTI has received Women’s Health Indonesia Choice 2013 award for 4 product categories. Not tired of making you proud, this company also received CEO Inovatif untuk Negeri 2012 award. Noted in 2013, Wardah has opened 22.000 outlets in Indonesia and Malaysia. Not only Putri, Wardah, and Make Over, PTI also has other superior brands such as Vivre, IX, Hair Addict, and Nusilk. Good luck for the next development, PTI!

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