5 Tips of Using Public Transportation in Jakarta

5 Tips of Using Public Transportation in Jakarta

Some of public transportations in Jakarta don’t have a proper facility. Also with some unwanted issues happening inside the public vehicles may give you doubt of taking one. Here are the tips which will make you can feel more comfortable and safer while you are taking a sight seeing the city with public transportation. Keep reading this article!

1. Avoid Cellphones
To avoid unwanted incidents, such as thief, it is better not to use your cellphone in public transportation. And if you have a big size of cellphone, you better put it in your bag with the special compartment for phone, not in your trouser pocket. It’s much better if you don’t use your cellphone or any other gadgets in public transportation.

2. Dress Casually
Using jewelry or luxurious outfit will show a high social status. This triggers criminality to happen. Try to dress in simpler way to avoid a criminal’s interest on you.

3. Be Patient and Tolerant
The mass of people using the public transportation can make you or another person being more emotional. Instead of provoking a trouble which can be fatal, it is better to be patient and tolerant. One of the simple examples is to say the word “sorry” and “thank you” when needed to the other people in public transportation.

4. Be Aware and Alert
Being the part of Jakarta means being aware and alert of your surroundings. Learn the environment around you and be aware of things that you think will bring any harm. For example, when you see someone on the public transportation who tries to provoke a riot, just go out of the vehicle and pick other public vehicle to ride on to make sure you will not get into any trouble.

5. Avoid Using Late Night Public Transportation
The high criminality rate in Jakarta indeed needs to be careful of in right way. One of the ways is not to use public transportation in late night. If you urgently have to use it, choose a trustworthy brand of taxi. Don’t forget to take notes of the taxi number and tell your family or friend. Or order the taxi by calling the taxi company call center to make sure it is the safe one. The safest taxi in Jakarta is Blue Bird or Pusaka. Pusaka is one of Blue Bird Group. 


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