The Authentic Sulawesi Cuisine

Sulawesi @ Kemang The Authentic Sulawesi Cuisine

Sulawesi food does not only come from Manado. If you are curious to know the kinds of food that come from the big island at central Indonesia, you can come to Sulawesi @ Kemang. They serve grilled fish and seafood from Manado, Makassar, Toraja, Gorontalo, Palu, and Kendari. For the grilled fish menu, you can try the Kaneke Tradisional, which is Makassar style grilled fish served with Petis, Camangi Mango, and Dabu-Dabu chili. The other Sulawesi signature dishes are Leccukan Brenebon, which is the steamed fish served with sour plum, tomato, stir-fried vegetable, and red beans. Mmm… You will feel the freshness in this Manado- Chinese dish.

For seafood menu, you can try their super spicy Kepiting Woku. The Manadonese crab dish is cooked with selected spices, lime leaves, and lemongrass. Besides the crab dish they also serve lobster menus such as Baby Lobster Kuah Rica Rica Tom Yam. Yup! From its name you can see that the food is a fusion between Manadonese and Thai food. Unique, isn’t it? The delicacy of their menu will certainly make you fall in love more with Indonesian food. So delicious and authentic!

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