Preparing Labour and Delivery during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Preparing childbirth during the coronavirus.
Photo source: Pixabay

In regards to COVID-19 outbreak, preparing labour and delivery is not an easy thing to do. Number of procedures you need to know and apply could lead anxiety. However, parents required to prepare themselves with complete information about giving birth in the midst of this pandemic, as quoted from vary resources.

1. The immune system in pregnancy changes as adaption process to the presence of the fetus. In addition to hormonal changes, they also make women more vulnerable to severe responses to viruses. Hence, pregnant women fall into category of groups with high risk getting and spreading COVID-19. Thus, regular monitoring of pregnancy to early detection of health problems is needed. 
As quoted from Alodokter, women allows to do regular prenatal checkups in regards to COVID-19 outbreak.
  • First trimester at weeks 11 - 13 of pregnancy. If your pregnancy less than 11 weeks, it is not recommended to visit doctor in regards to COVID-19 outbreak.
  • Second trimester at weeks 20.
  • Third trimester at weeks 28, 32, 36, and once a week for weeks 37 until time to delivery.
At present, hospitals or midwives made adjustments by providing online consultations. Do not hesitate to ask your doctor or midwife if it possible to do that online consultation or not.

2. Ask about the new procedures in regards to COVID-19 outbreak. Do not hesitate to ask these important points, as quoted from Halodoc:

  • Am I risk for getting or spreading COVID-19?
  • How do hospital or maternity clinic policies to separate people with COVID-19 and not?
  • Are there specific clothes need to wear while visiting hospital or maternity clinic?
  • Am I allowed to bring partner or family during delivery? If not, why?
  • Am I allowed to meet baby immediately after delivery? If not, why?
  • Am I allowed to breastfeeding baby after delivery? If not, why?

3. Worry less and relax. To relieve anxiety which can lead stress, make sure to do breathing and stretching exercises routinely. Eat healthy foods, drink enough water, and get quality sleep. Believe that your family and doctor or midwife try their best for your baby and you.

4. Not taking public transportations if possible, avoid physical contact with anyone, wear mask outside and wash your hands as much as possible when you are doing errands outside.
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