A Mix of Media and Lifestyle

MRA Group is a Mix of Media and Lifestyle

Mugi Rekso Abadi (MRA Group) is known as one of the biggest lifestyle and entertainment companies in Indonesia. This company was found in 1993 by Soetikno Soedardjo and Adiguna Sutowo. This company took their first business step with Hard Rock Cafe. This idea then turned into the establishment of Hard Rock FM in Jakarta, Bandung, and also Bali. And then, the Broadcast Media Division expanded with i-Radio, Trax FM, and Cosmopolitan FM.

Besides broadcast media, MRA Group has 5 other divisions that already have well-known brands known by locals and international. The 5 other divisions are Media Printing, Retail and Lifestyle, Food and Beverage, Automotive, and Hotel and Property. For Media Printing, they have few magazines such as Cosmopolitan Indonesia, Harpers Bazaar, Bravacassa, Her World, Cosmo Girl, Esquire, FHM, Maxim, Men’s Fitness, Good Housekeeping, Mother & Baby, and Autocar. While for Retail and Lifestyle, they have engaged some legendary brands such as Bvlgari jewelry, Bang & Olufsen, and Ghiboo.

Not only that, this one of the biggest companies in Indonesia also owns Hard Rock Café Bali and Jakarta, and Haagen Dazs ice cream. Besides, due to the growth of luxury automotive fans in Indonesia, makes MRA Group has also engaged some well-known automotive brands such as Ferrari and Harley Davidson. Bvlgari Hotel in Bali is one of the four Bvlgari Hotels in the world, that is owned under MRA Group’s Resort and Property. You can read further information about MRA Group on the website written on the info and contact detail column below.


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