Want to Make an Instagram Contest? Follow These Steps!

Want to Make an Instagram Contest? Follow These Steps!

Throwing a contest on Instagram can be a trick in social media marketing. With this, you can increase your reach in a relatively short time. If you want to make such contest, check these steps!

Plan Thoroughly       
Before starting the contest, you have to decide the purpose first. Then think of other basic things, such as who is your target audience, and if you want to add more followers or to increase engagement, too. Think of the hash tags you will be using, that are better to be unique to make them remembered. Then, think of the prize you are planning to give away.

Share Information About the Contest         
Once everything is planned, you can start to spread the information about the contest. This can be done through your personal social media, blog on website, email blast, or Facebook Ads. The more ways you do to spread the info, the more people you can attract to join the contest. Don’t forget to put interesting captions to gather more people.

Announce Winners Openly
After the contest is done, inform the winner(s) on your account and tag the person. Don’t give details of the condition to claim the prize in public—tell that only to the winner. Inform publicly that the contest is over and say thanks to all of the participants.


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