Worry less while shopping at traditional markets by following these steps.
Photo source: Alinear.doc
Traditional markets became one of the highest risk places since COVID-19 has been declared as global pandemic. It because wet markets carry high risk of virus transmission. There are also direct interaction between sellers and buyers and cash payments which seen as a potential carrier of the virus.
In this case, Ministry of Trade as part of COVID-19 Task Force issued Circular Letter No. 12 Year 2020 regulates adaptation of new habits in traditional markets as listed down below:
- Keeping your temperature within safe degree before decided to go shopping.
- Do not bring children under 5-year old, elderly over 50-year old, and pregnant women shopping.
- Prepare grocery list to ensure you do not spend much time strolling around market to find all you need.
- Bring your own reusable shopping bags as per July 1, disposable plastic bags are prohibited in Jakarta according to Governor Regulation No. 142 Year 2019.
- Sellers and buyers required to wear masks and/or face shield and gloves while shopping.
- Not touch your face (eyes, nose, and mouth) before using hand sanitizer or washing hands.
- Always keeping safe distance min. 1 meter with other visitors.
- Separating ready-to-eat food and raw meat.
- Use hand sanitizer as often as possible after touching food, money, any surface while shopping.
- Wash your hands immediately with soap for 20 seconds after shopping.