Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!

December 22 is National Mother’s Day in Indonesia since it was inaugurated by President Soekarno through Presidential Decree No. 316 in 1953. From the history, Mother’s Day started from the first Indonesian Women Congress in 1928. This congress was attended by Indonesian heroines such as R.A. Kartini, Martha Christina Tiahahu, Dewi Sartika, Nyai Ahmad Dahlan, Rasuna Said, and others.

This congress discussed about the nation’s women union, women’s role on fighting for freedom and the aspects of building nation, nutrition improvement for kids and mothers, early age marriage for women, and other issues about women. So, in order to celebrate Indonesian Women Congress’ 25th birthday, Soekarno inaugurated National Mother’s Day on December 22.

Right now, Mother’s Day is celebrated to express love and gratitude towards mother, a woman who has a big role in her family. Either as a wife for her husband, a mom for her children, or for her social environment.

To celebrate Mother’s Day, many things can be done such as giving presents, flowers, love letters, or set her free from her daily household work. On this day, Indonesia reflects the existence of the former women’s movement. But, not only just on Mother’s Day, we can express our love and always feel thankful for our mother every single day. So, how about you? What present will you give to your mother?

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