Halofina, Virtual Personal Finance Assistant for You

Halofina, virtual personal finance assistant application registered OJK

Halofina which acronym of Halo Financial, is ‘personal financial assistant’ application. The concept is very simple, it made like a virtual assistant to make people easier managing their finances. Most people think that managing finance is complicated activity to do.

Hence, Halofina tried to make financial management activities more comfortable with help of chatbot called “Robo Advisor”. “Robo Advisor” will help users of Halofina personally with their main products.

All of their products followed global standardization which fully supported by experts in financial industry. Those will provide recommendations based on both conventional and sharia, financial conditions, profile of risk as well as your financial goals. Halofina has various financial products as much as you need for example Money Market Funds, Equity Funds, Income Mutual Funds, Gold to Zakat (donation) payment which managed by Rumah Zakat.

Halofina available on both Play Store and App Store for free. Reach your future financial goals with this complete application.



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