Facebook Profile Will Change!

Facebook Profile Will Change!

Talking about social media, Facebook is the most used social media in worldwide. Based on the data from Facebook and written on HelloGiggles, there are 4 billion users who access their profiles everyday. If you are an active Facebook user, you must be already familiar with the profile features, such as profile picture, cover photo, detail information, and other contents. There is good news from Facebook, if you can only have picture for profile photo now, in the future you can use video profile!

The company which founded by Mark Zuckerberg gives access to its users to upload a short-duration video clip. That video will be shown to anyone who opened your profile. Besides that, you can collect and show photo collection in the form of animation or short video.

But just because the layout will be changed, that does not mean the profile photo will be erased. Profile photo will still be there, but you can set the photo and video based on a specified time. Facebook’s general interface will also have a change. For photo and video profile will be shown on the center and will look bigger. Meanwhile on the bio part, you can choose what part you will share.

You can also choose maximum 5 photos to be shown on the profile part. Isn’t it interesting? For now, this new layout of Facebook can only be enjoyed in UK and California. Well, be prepared, Indonesia, because we will soon experience it. Are you ready?

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