Do's and Don'ts When Shopping

Shopping is an exciting activity. But note the following before you shop.

Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash

Do you love shopping? Yes, Indonesia is one of the shopping heavens! But you better read these rules first, before you go shopping in Indonesia.


  1. Always bargain when you shop at a trade center (such as ITC Manga Dua, ITC Kuningan, ITC Permata Hijau, and other ITC’s) or traditional markets.
  2. Get the special price for shopping in June or July, because usually at this time is the time for Jakarta Great Sale.
  3. Always compare the price of the same product from one store to another.
  4. Check the stuff you want to buy. For example for bags or clothes, see the sewing.
  5. Suit your outfit with the shopping place. This will make it easier to give clues to the seller of how they treat you.
Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash


  1. Pushing your will of price when bargaining.
  2. Not calculating the discount and promo first, so the discount will only make your shop more.
  3. Obsessed with the nominal of 999.999. For example, a product with the price Rp1.699.999,-. The price that will come up in your mind is the number before 9 so it makes you feel like it’s cheaper.
  4. Showing too much interest in the product you bargain. The seller will only keep the first price because they know you really looking for it.
  5. Bringing money more than the budget and even using a credit card. This will only trigger you to shop more than you need.


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