The New Brand Ambassador of Marie France Bodyline

The New Brand Ambassador of Marie France Bodyline

Who doesn’t know Chelsea Islan? The young Indonesian actress is on the spotlight again because she was introduced as the latest brand ambassador for Marie France Bodyline. The event was held in the Double Tree Hotel by Hilton on February 24, 2016. While Chelsea’s schedule is full with film shooting and other jobs, she does not have time to lose weight.

While it is the demand she has to fulfill for her next movie. She has to lose 5 kg in 2 months! Marie France Bodyline has become Chelsea’s best friend now by offering an effective adjustable treatment and commitment. They guide Chelsea in adapting healthy lifestyle and food to maintain her fitness and beauty for every role.

The treatment they give to Chelsea Islan is the newest from Marie France Bodyline: Venus Freeze. It is the most wanted treatment from the Hollywood stars and world celebrities. Although they use the word freeze, the treatment does not involve chilling technology. They combine the Magnetic Pulse and Multi-Polar radio frequency technology.

Magnetic Pulse has benefits to increase the oxygen level, nutrition, and blood circulation on skin to make it look younger and cellulite free. While the Multi-Polar radio frequency on Venus Freeze is designed to supply the consistent transmission of thermal energy to skin tissue that will trigger the respond for natural healing in the body. So the technology is guaranteed for security, pain-free, and clinically tested.

The way it works is by delivering therapeutic temperature between 43 oC to 45 oC that will effectively dissolve fat and will help in losing weight and reduction in body circumference in the parts that you want: stomach, arms, or thighs. The Venus Freeze treatment will take up to 30-60 minutes, according to the area of the treatment. For a maximum result, you need to do the treatments for at least 8 times. For you who have an active life but less time like Chelsea Islan, or if it’s hard for you to discipline yourself for the right diet and sport, it’s time to try the Venus Freeze from Marie France Bodyline!

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