Advice to Choose Cloth Masks to Prevent Getting and Spreading COVID-19

Choose right materials and put masks properly to prevent getting and spreading virus.
Photo source: Pixabay
Based on guidance of Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, people are required to always wear mask when decided to go outside to prevent getting and spreading COVID-19. Therefore, choosing the right mask probably overwhelming. Quoted from Alodokter, there are three types of recommended masks to use, cloth, surgical, and N95 masks.
Both surgical and N95 masks are commonly used by medical staff while cloth ones fall into non-medical masks people can wear every day. The government also required people to use cloth masks to keep maintain medical masks for those people in need.
In spite of the fact that cloth masks are not considered have maximum resistances than surgical and N95, the right cloth materials and the way people use will help prevent getting and spreading COVID-19 during inhalation, exhalation, coughing or sneezing.
  • Cotton, linen, or pillowcases are known as high resistances materials yet still comfortable for breathing. The stretch characteristic make those materials keep its shape during washing.
  • Not use masks made of polyester and spandex because both known for not-too-good moisture management which refers to what materials do when it becomes damp or wet to ensure hygiene.
  • Make sure your mask covering important face area, above your nose to the bottom of your chin without any gap.
  • Choose three-layer cloth masks with additional ‘pouch’ to put tissue for extra protection.
  • All of those steps are useless if you skip washing hands or using hand sanitizer as often as possible and not keep safe distance while staying outside for any errands. If you do not have urgent thing to do outside, it way better to stay at home to save lives.
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