7 Tips to Staying Safe Abroad

7 top safety tips for you international travelers.

Few things are more exciting than traveling internationally. When going abroad, you get to experience all the beautiful cultures that make up the world. Many people are wary of international travel, however, fearing that it is dangerous. For the most part, traveling throughout the world is very safe. This being said, there are safety precautions that every traveler should employ to ensure that their trip remains a joyous one. Here are 7 top safety tips for you international travelers.

1. E-mail Your Family a Copy of Your Itinerary
Keep mother up to date while still maintaining your freedom by sending her a detailed itinerary of your trip beforehand. No need to call and check in every day, but try to post updates to social media sites or send quick e-mails so that everyone knows you are safe and happy.

2. Separate Your Money
Do not keep your credit cards and cash in the same place. Keep some cash in your wallet, and leave some in a zippered pocket in your luggage or another safe location. In addition, store credit cards in a separate pocket of your purse or day bag from your carry-around cash.

3. Make Electronic Copies of Your Documents
You’ll be carrying necessary documentation with you when traveling abroad. Create an electronic backup of your immunization record, itinerary, medical insurance card, passport, plane tickets, travel insurance, and visas before you leave. Email the file to yourself and keep it in your inbox so you can access the information from your smartphone should the paperwork be lost or damaged.

4. Get Traveler's Insurance
Accidents can happen anywhere and your home insurance may not cover you abroad. Check out for traveler's insurance quote tool to find the best plan for you.

5. Avoid A Cultural Faux Pas
Every country has their own specific customs and traditions. Although being immersed in a culture is the best way to learn what is appropriate and what is not, try to research some of the major faux-pas in your destination. Even if it seems normal to you, it could be highly offensive to locals. For example, some places, like China and South Korea, shy away from tipping, while the French would be shocked by a hug (although kisses are totally fine).

6. Don't Use Shortcuts
Even if you are starting to feel comfortable in a new city, do not try and find a shortcut just to lessen your travel time. Download a travel guide to keep you on the straight and narrow.

7. Keep Track Of All Local Emergency Numbers
Although your mom's number may be etched in your memory, here are some important emergency contacts to store in your phone:

1. The nearest US consulate or embassy
2. Local police and fire stations
3. Nearby hospital or medical center 
4. A local cab company
5. Any other numbers you may need in a pinch


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