5 Effective Ways to Overcome Boredom When Fasting

You should make the most of the month of Ramadan, which comes once a year!
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With many privileges and temptations during this holy month, here are some effective tips for overcoming the boredom that overwhelms you.

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1. Pray
There is no harm in targeting yourself from the start of fasting to carry out many worship activities. Usually, boredom is closely related to monotonous activities, that's all. If you have been reciting the Koran alone at home, there is no harm in joining the Koran together at the nearest mosque.

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2. Reading
Apart from eliminating boredom, reading can also broaden your insight. Choose a book that has a light genre, you can also read a book while listening to your favorite music in the crucial hours before breaking the fast.

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3. Hobbies
Is there anything more fun than doing a hobby when boredom strikes? Everyone has a hobby, writing, painting, cooking, playing the guitar, farming, and many other hobbies that can be done to overcome boredom during fasting. When you do a hobby, it is guaranteed that you will no longer feel bored or lethargic when fasting.

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4. Exercise
Exercise has many benefits, but there are several things you must pay attention to when exercising while fasting. Exercise during the month of Ramadan should be done 30 – 60 minutes before breaking the fast or after breaking the fast, when the stomach is not empty, and filled with food and drink. Because, when exercising, the body needs food, especially carbohydrates, to be converted into energy. Do light exercise, such as jogging or cycling.

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5. Ngabuburit
Of the various activities to relieve boredom during fasting, Ngabuburit is probably the one you do most often. Visiting a friend's house or visiting places you've never been before can help you escape the trap of boredom.
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