5 Benefits You Can Get from Drinking Coffee

Are you a coffee lover? Here are some benefits that you can get from drinking coffee.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

The majority, people in the world love to drink coffee. But do you know that drinking coffee had some benefits? According to Reader’s Digest Indonesia, here are the benefits that you can get from drinking coffee, check it out!

1. Coffee Gives You many antioxidants
We all know that fruits and vegetables have a huge antioxidant content. But, the body absorbs antioxidants more from coffee. The fact is obtainable in a study conducted in 2005.

2. Smelling Coffee Can Reduce Stress
Notes, coffee’s smell does not mean it can reduce stress widely or stress that is already severe, but the stress inflicted due to less break or too busy.

Photo by Jakub Kapusnak on Unsplash

3. Reduce Parkinson’s Impact
A fact revealed that drinking coffee will help people with Parkinson's disease can control their body movement. Studies show that more often someone consumes coffee highly unlikely affected by Parkinson's, but this is only one of the first studies in humans which show that caffeine can help in terms of motor difficulties.

4. Make Brain Healthy Longer
A study found that people at age 65 years old and having the womb caffeine higher in their blood, exposed to Alzheimer slower two to four years compared to those who have lower caffeine in their body. But it does not mean that consuming coffee in the measure was really protecting humans from Alzheimer's. Anyway, coffee is believed can help minimize the risks, or at least delay Alzheimer's.

5. Reduce The Risks of Diabetes Type 2
Coffee is also known can be exposed to reduce the risks of diabetes type 2. A study found that those who drank 4 or more cups of coffee a day, can be lowered their chances infected by diabetes type 2 to 50 percent. In addition, affected by the disease risk will also be reduced 7 percent, for each one cup additional.

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