3 Useful Features on IGTV

Knowing IGTV features that may useful.

Instagram has finally launched the feature you never knew you wanted, IGTV, which is an app but also a feature, and both a TV system and not one at all. The app is intended to be a destination for watching longer content. It has also lost the big limitation of videos on Instagram, which are limited to one minute, on IGTV they can be up to an hour long for verified account, and 10 minutes for regular account. Find out more about IGTV below!

1. Make a Channel
There's two ways to use IGTV. The first is from Instagram, where a little button will pop up if people on your feed have posted something new. Look for a small TV next to the direct messages button in the upper right corner. The app is available now on the App Store and Google Play store, and if you’ve updated Instagram in the last 24 hours, you’ve likely noticed the new IGTV button within the app.

If you’re ready to start your own channel, just click on your profile picture wherever you see it appear. That will take you to your own landing page. If you click the “+” button, you’ll be able to start uploading videos to IGTV. You can’t record video inside the IGTV app, not yet, anyway. For now, when you go to add a video, it will pull it from your own camera roll or uploading your own video file from your phone or PC.

Bunch of IGTV videos can also be seen easily here. You can watch videos from people you followed, to popular videos on IGTV.

2. Longer Videos on Instagram
Not only IGTV, start this June, Instagram also announces that we now can uploading longer videos up to 10 minutes. The duration extension will strengthen Instagram’s services.

The presence of IGTV will also enrich Instagram’s services. If you want to uploading video on Instagram you don’t want to disturb your followers timeline, then you can choose IGTV.

3. Simple Appearance
Because IGTV and Instagram work closely together, you don’t have to create a separate IGTV login. As long as you’re logged into the main Instagram app, all you have to do is hit “Continue.”

This is the first thing you’ll see once you’re logged into IGTV. The app automatically pulls videos it thinks you’ll like under the “For You” tab. Under the “Following” tab, you’ll be able to watch videos from creators you already follow on the main Instagram app. Under “Popular,” you’ll see trending videos from people you don’t follow, similar to the “Explore” tab on Instagram.

You can also like and comment on people’s videos in IGTV. Just tap the heart or comment button at the bottom of the video. IGTV has a lot of the same sharing capabilities as Instagram. You can get a direct link to a video, or send it in a direct message on Instagram.


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