Here's How to Decline a Job Offer Properly

The best way to decline a job offer. Check below!

One of Best Spots in SCBD to Sip Your Beer

Chamber Food & Spirits, perfect place to sip black and craft beers.

Kembang Kerep Park, a Pilot Park that was Built Without Using Regional Budget

Kembang Kerep Park was only made using recycled materials from the rest of trees pruning.

GoRide Instant, a Gojek’s Effort to Unravel the Congestion

GoRide Instant is an innovation that Gojek has made to make it easier for drivers and customers, as well as an effort to unravel the congestion.

Beware of These Diseases during Hot Season

Type of diseases during hot season you need to avoid.

Largest Batik and Craft Exhibition in Jakarta is Back!

Indocraft 2019, batik and craft expo until November 3 at JCC.