Cikaya Beach, New Destination in the Thousand Islands

The Thousand Islands District Government recently introduced Cikaya Beach or Cinta Pulau Karya which is located on Karya Island.

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Traveling Solo

It can be a life-defining or life-changing event. To help you get the most out of your solo trip, check out these 5 mistakes to avoid!

Encourage Children to Have Great Imagination with Kampung Dongeng

Recreation and learning at Kampung Dongeng.

The New Taman Puring is Now More Charming and Cozy

Taman Puring is now become a Green Open Space that is child-friendly.

Thamrin 10, the New Culinary Destination in Jakarta

Provincial Government (Pemprov) of Jakarta deliberately turns a parking area into a food & creative park named Thamrin 10.

Subtitles, Mini Cinema at Dharmawangsa Square for Your Weekend Holidays

Subtitles, mini cinema at Dharmawangsa Square for weekend holidays.