This is the use of a freezer that people rarely know

What are some other uses for freezers besides storing food?

S7 Suites Gandaria, a Boutique Hotel with Maximum Comfort

S7 Suites Gandaria is a boutique hotel which is good for long term stay or even just transit.

Perfect Place for Affordable Wedding Rings in South Jakarta

Melawai Plaza, place for affordable wedding rings in South Jakarta.

Best Yoga Studios in Jakarta (PART 2)

Yoga studios in Jakarta that you should visit.

Taste Unique Cocktails and Dishes at Arrack & Spice

Attack & Spice is a new place to go after work.

Erasmus Huis, a Special Netherlands Cultural Center

Erasmus Huis is not just a place to introduces the Netherlands culture, but also provides space for arts, artists and Indonesian groups.