Fun Indoor Climbing at Peak to Peak

Pump up your adrenaline and muscles at Peak to Peak Indoor Climbing!

Photo by Stephanie Cook on Unsplash

If you think rock climbing is too way much to try, you better try this indoor climbing, Peak to Peak. Pump up your adrenaline and muscles here before conquering the real rock.

Peak to Peak Indoor Climbing was established in 2015. You can easily spot this indoor climbing in Serpong, South Tangerang. It facilitates the skill and knowledge that you need to make a successful climb outside. It also encourages you to be brave and happy while climbing.

Photo by Rachel on Unsplash

Peak to Peak Indoor Climbing use Singapore Mountaineering Federation (SMF) training standards for all courses. Do you want to take the first bite of climbing? It costs IDR 100.000 (non-members), including belayer, harness, and shoes rental. Do not forget to bring flexible pants that cover your knees, a pair of socks, change clothes, and an ID Card for registration.

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