Small Ways to Save Money without Even Realising

Ways to save money without even realising.

Saving for some people is quite difficult. These difficulties occur because of small income, wasteful, to many instalments that must be paid each month. Even so, it turns out there are many simple ways to save money without even realising. Here are five small ways that make you unwittingly save your money.

1. Always Compare Prices
You often compare prices before buying something. Without realising it you've actually saved money, because from that way you also know which one is more affordable. Remember! The cheap thing doesn’t mean it is tuppenny!

2. Use E-commerce
It's not a secret anymore, shopping on e-commerce site has proven cheaper. Many leading brands open their online stores on e-commerce sites. So you don't need to be afraid of the item quality you want to buy. Not only that, e-commerce sites also often offering nice promos like free shipping, cashback, to big discounts. By shopping on e-commerce site, you also have save money. But don't get crazy and make you wasteful!

3. Bring Your Own Dishes
This method is also part of save money. Buying food will make you spend around Rp. 20,000 minimum a day, if multiplied by a month, you will spend around Rp. 600,000. Another case, if you bring lunch from home. You still spend money to buy ingredients, but not much. And if the ingredients are still left over, you can use them to cook tomorrow.

4. Monthly Shop
For those who regularly doing monthly shop, congratulations! You have save your money. Besides being frugal, doing monthly shop also makes you more focused. You will not be confused if suddenly your cooking oil is run out, because you have stocked all your needs.

5. Spending More Leisure at Home
Don't be afraid if your friend mock you as a not-cool person, because you only spend your leisure time at home! You are smart because you have save your money from this way. A Hangout outside is not wrong, but it doesn't need to be often, because it will make you wasteful. Vacation at home is still fun. You can watch your favorite movies or series, play with your lovely pets, or take a nap maybe?

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