Having Fun at Dunia Fantasi Amusement Park

Having Fun at Dunia Fantasi Amusement Park

Dunia Fantasi, or called Dufan (read: do-fun), is an amusement park with various fun and thrilling rides. If you like something challenging, try these thrilling rides such as Halilintar, Tornado, Kora Kora, Hysteria, Kicir Kicir, Arung Jeram, and Niagara Gara. For the Halilintar, Tornado, Kora Kora, Hysteria, and Kicir Kicir, these rides involve heights and speed which can make your heart beats faster. Plus, make sure you don’t fill up your stomach before you enjoy these rides to avoid vomiting after. While the Niagara Gara and Arung Jeram will take you to the thrilling rides with water. Be prepared to wet your clothes with the splashing water so make sure you bring spare clothes.

For you who prefer more relaxing and enjoyable rides, try Poci Poci, Bianglala, Turangga Rangga, Rajawali, Burung Tempur, Ontang Anting, Perang Bintang, and Rumah Miring which are also interesting and fun! You will ride the Poci Poci in a cup which will make you turn round and round. Turangga Rangga is commonly called as Carousel on other amusement park. Ontang Anting is a speeding swing rotating in round which will reach specific heights and slightly thrill you. But if you enjoy this, you can see the beautiful town scenery above. Bianglala is the most relaxing ride as a slow spinning big wheel. You can also enjoy the beautiful town scenery when you reach the top of the height with this ride. Rajawali and Burung Tempur are similar to Ontang Anting where you will be whirled on specific speed and heights, but with the shape of mini plane. While for Rumah Miring and Perang Bintang, they have their own unique characters you can enjoy.

If you are hungry, this amusement park has many restaurants so you don’t have to be worry of what to eat. Besides the mentioned rides above, there are still many other rides you can enjoy here. Make sure you wear comfortable clothes and shoes plus bringing spare clothes, and let’s do fun at Dufan!

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