Best Investments for Millennials

Investment instruments good for millennials.

The investment instruments in Indonesia are increasing, as people, especially millennials are confused about which investment is right for them. According to the CEO of Halofina, an application for financial planning, Adjie Wicaksana, there are three investment instruments that are close to Indonesians.

1. Deposit
Deposit is money-saving products in bank where you can only take your money if you have passed a certain time. Stored money are guaranteed by the government through the Deposit Insurance Agency (LPS) by meeting certain requirements. Adjie recommends deposit because their security is guaranteed. If something unwanted happens, your deposit will be covered by the government.

2. Gold
Gold is always regarded as one of the profitable investments and often being an investment choice for many people. This happens because the gold price tends to increase every year and there is rarely a decline. The gold is meant here is not gold that is purchased digitally and you do not receive the gold, but the gold purchased and you can save yourself.

3. Property
Property is also one of the best investment instruments for millennials. Many observers suggest property investment because they are visible, but difficult to disburse. Psychologically, it makes people feel they have something valuable.

Adjie suggests that these three instruments are easier to understand than other types of investments such as sukuk, stocks, and securities. The three instruments are also safer and more secure.

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