How to Build Engagement Through Books

How to build engagement so that books still exist in the market? Check it out!

Photo by Ines Sayadi on Unsplash

In the midst of the digital era that is currently developing rapidly, it seems almost impossible if you can successfully build engagement with consumers through offline means. However, don't be sad just yet. There are still, you know, ways to build engagement offline, one of which is through books. Learning from the print media industry in the United States, namely bookstores, there are several secrets of success for building engagement through books. Check it out in this article!

1. Engage Customers Closely
In the midst of the decline of the print media industry, independent bookstores in the United States seemed not to feel the impact at all. They tend to be okay with some even experiencing an increase in sales

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This can happen because these independent bookstores involve their customers through various physical activities. This activity can provide closeness between customers and the bookstore so that customers will not just leave books in the midst of today's fast-paced digital developments.

When customers have a special affinity with the store, of course, they will keep coming back to visit it. Thus, profits and sales will continue to run.

2. Use Social Media Towards Physical Activity
To maintain the closeness of customers with your book business, it is undeniable that social media still plays a good role in the midst of this all-digital era. You can use your business's social media to hold various physical activities.

For example, you announce there is an interesting promo at your bookstore or send out invitations to exciting events in your store for loyal customers. Match physical activity to the proximity of your customers and the environment around your business.

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You can also involve various communities, public figures, or book authors in these activities. For example, book launching events, discussions, book reviews, or others for your business social media followers.

The digital world and social media now seem to have an important role as key holders of engagement. However, you should still note that there are still some people who prefer reading physical books to digital books or e-books. Well, take advantage of some of these people as your offline engagement targets.

3. Create a Good Engagement Strategy
To survive in this digital era, of course, you must have a good engagement strategy. Involve your entire business promotion team in creating a good strategy. Target existing customers first, even better if your strategy can reach out to engage new customers.

By creating good engagement, you will also build good relationships with customers. Don't forget to include a variety of exciting physical activities for all your customers.

4. Start Switching To Digital Books
In times like now, we can find several books that can be downloaded via the internet or what is commonly referred to as Digital Books or other terms are Digital Downloads. Sometimes we find some books that are on the internet but not on the market. So, for those of us who want to know tutorials or reviews or books with the latest editions, there's no harm in trying to browse from the Internet and download, then read through your smartphone at a leisurely time.

Courtesy of SR Digital (Digital Labs)

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