Best Asinan Betawi in Jakarta

Best asinan Betawi in Jakarta your should try.

Besides gado-gado (Indonesian salad with peanut dressing), asinan (pickled vegetable and fruit dish) loved by many people in Jakarta. If you are looking for fresh, tasty pickled vegetable and fruit dish, here are places in Jakarta famous by its delicious asinan Betawi you should not miss.

1. Asinan Betawi H. Mansyur

Located on Jalan Taman Kamboja, Asinan Betawi Alm. H. Mansyur also known as Asinan Kamboja. If you are not willing to queue, you should probably come here as soon as possible. Here, they serve two various of asinan, pickled vegetable and pickled fruit.


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It famous by red, more oily dressing with sour, spicy and savoury taste of asinan. Fresh vegetables topped with fried peanuts, noodle crackers and pink crackers. You can add spicy level with additional sambal (chili sauce) served separately.

While its pickled fruit has paler sauce than pickled vegetable. Not as red as its pickled vegetable but the sour and spicy aroma is stronger. A bowl of pickled fruit consists of bengkuang (jicamah), kedondong (Ambarella fruit), mango and pineapple without fried peanuts or crackers topping. Both are perfect for afternoon snack right after lunch to get rid of sleepiness.

Asinan Betawi H. Mansyur

Address: Jl. Taman Kamboja III No. 10, Rawamangun, East Jakarta 13220

Phone: +62214707242

2. Asinan Ny Isye

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Not too far from Asinan Betawi Alm H. Mansyur, there is also popular asinan in Kamboja, Asinan Ny Isye. What makes Asinan Ny Isye different from other asinan? If Asinan Betawi Alm H. Masyur has a red sauce and thinner texture, Asinan Ny Isye offers you a buttery peanut sauce, less sour and has thicker texture. It taste more salty, sweet and spicy. Asinan Ny Isye also less of pink crackers but add some fresh shredded carrot from Lembang, Bandung.

Asinan Ny Isye

Address: Jl. Kamboja 3 No. 12, Rawamangun, East Jakarta 13220

Phone: +62214702468

3. Asinan Bonbin

Even though name of Bonbin famous by its gado-gado, here you can find delicious asinan. Located in Cikini, you can taste two various of pickled, Asinan Bonbin Bogor and Asinan Bonbin Betawi.


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Asinan Bonbin Bogor uses fresh fruits like rujak (fruit salad dish with peanut dressing), including bengkuang (jicamah), pineapple, kedondong (Ambarella fruit), rose apple and mango, topped with fried peanuts and sour, spicy yet sweet vinegar sauce. While its Asinan Bonbin Betawi consists of lettuce, cabbage, bean sprouts, mustard greens and white silky tofu topped with fried peanuts and peanut sauce made of vinegar, chili and brown sugar.

Asinan Bonbin

Address: Jl. Cikini 4 No. 5, Cikini, Central Jakarta 10330

Phone: +62213141539


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