6 Signs if Your Company is Going Under

6 signs if your company is going under, pay freeze, massive layoffs, company supplies start to reduce, branch closed, move intro another cheaper building and constant reorganizations.

Losing job even more difficult when you do not see it coming. Sometimes it is so obvious that your company is going under, but sometimes it is really hard to tell if your company is in danger. Here are some red flags to look out.

1. Pay freeze

Studies have shown that pay, working condition and rewards motivated employee. If your salary not paid on time, it is time to get worried. That is classic sign of serious money trouble and usually followed by closing the doors.

2. Massive layoffs

Most of the time, you will be give no warning. They would be making massive layoffs across all sectors of their staff. When this problem comes up, the doors will be closing imminently.

3. Company supplies start to reduce

A company doing well does not to cut their supply chain costs. If supplies and equipment in your company start to reduce drastically, even worse, maybe you should start thinking about an exit.

4. Branch closed without explanation

Employees in some branch are complaining about the future it probably does not have any longer. The entire staff is stressed out and walking around. When everyone is down, the company is quickly going the same direction.

5. Move into another building for cheaper rent

If your company consider locking in cheap rent for a long-term lease, it is some kind like desperate signal to change course. The company cannot survive, neither can you.

6. Reorganizations are constant

A company doing well does not to continually restructure. The remaining staff do more work, the pressure is on. Problems will escalate or even worse there will be more reorganization. When it suddenly happens, you know the company is on shaky ground.


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