5 Simple Ways to Beat Boredom on a Plane

Beat boredom on a plane with these simple things to do

When it comes to traveling, what is your favourite transportation? Most of us probably choose plane. Alinear Indonesia have narrowed down the list of 5 best simple ways to get rid your boredom while traveling with plane.

1. Comfortable Clothes

Sitting on a plane for long periods of time make you tired and bored. Comfy clothes are actually recommended. You wear clothes either appropriate for the climate in plane and your destination or not. Don’t forget to bring your favourite sweater or jacket, socks and scarf for long distance flights.

2. Pillow Neck

It has been like this, plane seat make you uncomfortable, especially budget plane. Pillow neck is a must thing to bring. Even you wear on your neck or put that one into the cabin baggage, pillow neck can be your perfect travel buddy. You can also use pillow neck to get rid of hip cramps while sitting in a long periods.

3. Your Favourite Book

Feel so bored but can’t sleep? Before heading to the airport, make sure that you bring your favourite book, novel or comic to beat boredom until you get the destination. You can also strolling around and find your favourite books at the airport book stalls. Pick the good, light books, so your body doesn’t feel force being focus.

4. Munching

Never go wrong with munching to beat your boredom. But, remember, to eat the healthy one, like nuts or chocolate. Nuts are rich in magnesium that help to get rid of a headache, while chocolate, especially the dark one, is a mood-lifter.

5. Talking to Someone

Even solo traveller can do this last simple way to beat boredom on a plane. Chat leisurely about other things before arrive to your destination may have been unnecessary but it is obviously a simple thing to do.

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