5 Foods for Weight Loss

5 foods for weight loss, nuts, sweet potato, potato, yogurt and dry fruit.

Do you want to look healthy and slim? Unfortunately, most people tried and got stuck in wrong methods. They even took dangerous diet pills for weight loss. Lucky us, there are some best foods for weight loss balance with regular exercises.

1. Nuts

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It is not a secret any longer, nuts is a good source of protein and rich in fiber, too. Study in University of Minnesota showed that fiber making you feel full longer. The addition of many different type of nuts, here are some nuts you can snacking following a weight-loss diet. Like cashew, brimming with iron, almond rich in vitamin E also peanuts can help stabilize your blood sugar.

2. Sweet potato

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Sweet potato particularly contains a high fiber, vitamin A and B6. One serving of sweet potatoes, about a large one contains 400 calories, that is one of the some reasons you should eat sweet potato along with exercise. It also contains a high carbohydrate make you feel full longer and help stabilize blood sugar.

3. Potato

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Another Solanaceae. family, potato help you lose up the weight. As long as you eat boiled or steamed potato, without any sugar or salt addition, potato actually can help you lose weight. 

4. Yoghurt

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Not the frozen yoghurt, but plain or drinkable yoghurt as your snack for weight loss. Choose low-calorie yoghurt which can be good for your metabolism. It will helps your gut bacteria happy. For more protein, go for fresh fruits you like or honey to sweeten plain yoghurt.

5. Dry fruit

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Dry fruit rich in fiber and carbohydrate. Not surprisingly, some types of dry fruit make you full feel longer. Dry apricots, dates, prunes even raisins contains in a high calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamin B5 prevent yourself from being hungry within 5 hours. What a good food!


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