3 Mobile Photography Communities

Communities who love capturing moments by a phone camera

It is no longer secret that smartphone nowadays completed with high-quality camera. So many smartphone users love to take pictures with their phone. They also easy to share the pictures to their social media.

Based on those things, mobile photography communities formed. For them, to get best shot, you don’t have to use professional camera. You can relied on your smartphone.

These are 3 mobile photography communities you have to followed.

1. Mata Ponsel
This community has "Melalui Mata Ponsel Kita Bicara" slogan. Mata Ponsel has more than 45.000 followers on their Instagram account @mataponsel. They actively photo hunting in many cities.

This community also expand mobile photography with various theme, such as landscape, levijump, and BW (Black and White).  If you want to learn more about mobile photography, go follow their Instagram.

2. Kompe Mopahe
This one community was well-born from blog featuring photos taken from smartphone. Because many users interested to share their photos, then, they using Facebook as their platform to share photos.

Kompe Mopahe or Komunitas Penggemar Motret Pake Hape has “Bersama KompeMopahe Tak Ada Alasan Untuk Tidak Bisa Memotret Lagi” slogan. This Community become a home to showing off their shots and sharing stories through photos.
Kompe Mopahe (Komunitas Penggemar Moto Pake Hape)

3. Kofipon
Komunitas Fotografi Ponsel (KoFiPon) exist since 17 Maret 2009. The members are from entire Indonesia. Kofipon has "Bukan masalah kameranya, tapi siapa di belakang kamera itu yang mengambil gambar!" slogan. In this community, anyone is free to share their photos and showing it off on Kofipon’s Instagram. There are some rules you have to obey, because this community focused on how you take the photo.



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